Future Events
We want our listeners to be able to explore the excitement and connection that storytelling can provide at one of our live storytelling events. We’re aiming to bring a live storytelling event to a theater near you. Usually, our live storytelling events consist of 5-8 storytellers telling their true and compelling stories live on stage in front of an audience. These stories are told without notes and from the heart, making the connection to the storyteller raw and emotional. Storytellers work with the organizers to craft their story in an engaging manner.
Are you a group, organization, or institution that wants to help co-sponsor one of these live storytelling events in a theater near you with Palestinians Podcast? We’ve partnered with festivals, museums, and student groups in the past and look to partner with other organizations. You can find out more about the process and propose your event by emailing stories@palestinianspodcast.com. Typically, these events need 3-8 months of lead-time to be developed, planned, and executed. We hope that we get the opportunity to bring live storytelling to your city!
MYLP Narrative Training
Thursday, August 1, 2019
In collaboration with the CAIR's Annual Muslim Youth Leadership Program.
Past Events
Palestinian Narrative Training
Houston, TX
March 30-31, 2019
Storytelling workshop led by Nadia Abuelezam held in collaboration with FOSNA with 16 attendees.
Palestinians, Live! Boston
February 17, 2019, Oberon Theater
In collaboration with the Boston Palestine Film Festival.
Storytellers: Tarek AbuJabarah, Christian Tabash, Raisa Abdeen, Laura Sabrina Al Bast, Randa Wahbe, Linda Hamdan and Nadia Abuelezam.
Palestinian Narrative Training
Denver, CO
Sunday November 4, 2018
Storytelling workshop led by Nadia Abuelezam held in collaboration with FOSNA with 30 attendees.
Palestinians, Live! Boston
January 28, 2018, Oberon Theater
In collaboration with the Boston Palestine Film Festival.
Storytellers: Rain Abdelrazaq, Michael John Maria, Amer Zahr, Dalia Deak, Canaan David Khoury, Amir Qudaih and Nadia Abuelezam.
Palestinians, Live! Washington D.C.
October 6, 2017, Studio Theater
In collaboration with the D.C. Palestinian Film and Arts Festival.
Storytellers: Lena Ghannam, Yasmeen El-Hasan, Samar Najia, Zuhdiah Sarhan, Andrew Kadi, and Nadia Abuelezam. With special performance by Maysa Daw.
Palestinian Tales: A Storytelling Workshop
July 30, 2017, The Potter's House
In collaboration with the D.C. Palestinian Film and Arts Festival.
Storytelling workshop led by Nadia Abuelezam attended by 25 storytellers.
Hikayat: Personal Narratives from a Cultural Perspective
March 18, 2017, Arab American National Museum
Dearborn, MI
In collaboration with the Arab American National Museum.
Storytellers: Annalise Raziq, Tariq Luthun, Abdullah Hammoud, Hanan Yahya, Alise Alousi, Kamelya Youssef, and Nadia Abuelezam.
Hikayat: Storytelling Workshop
March 18, 2017, Arab American National Museum
Dearborn, MI
In collaboration with the Arab American National Museum.
Storytelling workshop led by Nadia Abuelezam for 32 storytellers.
Procuring Palestinian-ness
November 12, 2016, Harvard Arab Weekend
Cambridge, MA.
Performer: Nadia Abuelezam
Palestinians, Live! Boston
October 23, 2016, Oberon Theater
Cambridge, MA
In collaboration with the Boston Palestine Film Festival.
Storytellers: Nijmeh Curren, Dana Sajdi, Sari Abuljubein, Salma Abu-Ayyash, Hani Azzam, Gloria Olivier, and Nadia Abuelezam.
Palestinians, Live! Boston
October 24, 2015, Warehouse XI
Somerville, MA
In collaboration with the Boston Palestine Film Festival.
Storytellers: Annalise Raziq, Rana Akleh, Leila Kassis, Amahl Bishara, Ahmed Alkhateeb, and Nadia Abuelezam. With special performances by Zena Agha, Sarouna Salfiti-Mushasha, and Fares Btoush.