#4: Laila, Goat's Milk Labane


In this episode of Palestinians Podcast, we hear from Laila Kassis, a management consultant from Boston, MA. Laila's story, told live on stage at Palestinians, Live! (in Boston, MA in October 2015), recounts her fondest memories of Palestine and the family (and food!) that she associates with her home. Additionally, we hear from her husband Mohamad about his experience in Palestine and how the trip influenced their relationship. 

#5: Munir, News Face and Oranges


We hear from Munir Jirmanus, a physicist residing near Boston, MA about his multiple experiences and encounters with the concept of "home." Munir tells a number of stories: his family's leaving of Jerusalem in 1948, how he met his wife of more than 35 years, experiences with raising his daughters in the United States, and his recent re-encounter with his childhood home in Jerusalem.

You can find pictures and an accompanying blog post to Munir's story here. You can share your story by calling our story hotline (415-POD-PAL5) or by emailing us at stories@palestinianspodcast.com 

#6: Hamza (and Reham): Who Knows


In this episode of Palestinians Podcast, we feature a young Gazan health educator and nursing student Hamza Moghari. Hamza is one of the writers with We Are Not Numbers, an organization aiming to pair young Palestinian writers with mentors from around the world. Hamza shares a story he wrote about a young woman named Reham and also explains why he loves his life in Gaza so much. 

To find out more about We Are Not Numbers and Hamza, visit our blog.

#7: Nadia, Mama Please Bring Me Pants

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In this special Mother's Day episode of Palestinians Podcast you'll hear about Nadia Abuelezam's childhood and her love for her mother. Specifically, you'll hear about a painful (but hilarious) memory from the third grade that involves dessert, pants, and the library in her story told live at Palestinians, Live in Boston, MA in October of 2015!

If you don't understand the Arabic references in the episode, please visit our blog. There you will also see pictures of Nadia as a child and get to know her a bit better! 

#8: Amahl, Welcome to Aida Refugee Camp!


In this episode, we hear from Amahl Bishara about her work with Aida refugee camp, the power of storytelling for the Palestinian cause, and how she met the love of her life. The episode includes features from young voices including those from Aida refugee camp. To find out more about Amahl's work and to purchase her Aida Refugee Camp Alphabet Book, visit our blog

#9: Saleem, Eib and Guapa


In this episode we hear from Saleem Haddad, author of Guapa. Saleem explores his Palestinian identity through storytelling and discusses shaming, grandmothers, and politics. Saleem recounts his experience coming out to his family and the difficulties with being a gay man in the Middle East. 

You can learn more about Saleem's book Guapa or read his article in Slate magazine by following the links on our website. We'd highly recommend reading Guapa, and we've come up with five reasons why on our blog! Happy listening!

#10: Jehan, The Big Yellow Atlas


Jehan Bseiso is the Head of Communications for Doctors Without Borders in the Middle East Region by day (and some long evenings) and a poet by night. In this episode of Palestinians Podcast, we will hear Jehan read us some of her beautiful poetry and reflect on the events that led her to poetry written from the diaspora for the diaspora. Please note this episode does contain some profanities. Visit our blog for more from Jehan's story. 

#11: Wafa, Missiles, Wheat, and Gardens

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On this episode of Palestinians Podcast we hear from author Wafa Ghnaim about her struggle with being the daughter of immigrants in the United States. Wafa is the author of a new book called Tatreez and Tea provides Palestinian embroidery patterns and tea recipes, and also discusses Palestinian identity and the meaning of home. Visit our blog for more reflections. Happy listening!

#13: Salfiti Family, Monkey Business

In this episode of Palestinians Podcast, we hear from members of the Salfiti family, displaced from Palestine to Kuwait. The episode highlights the importance of storytelling, of passing down stories to future generations, and includes some monkey business. Why did Samih Salfiti bring a monkey home one day? How did one of a few 50-gallon fish tanks explode in the middle of the night? What made the Siamese cat jealous? Find out the answer to these questions and learn about the adventures of growing up in a house of 8 on this episode of Palestinians Podcast!